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A checklist to guide you from identifying early adopters to launching, marketing, retaining customers, and measuring success for your new product.

  • Target Early Adopters: Have you identified who would be your early adopters/users and what geography would they be from?

    • If your market is B2B: Enterprise/SaaS, Large size or medium size, Geographical segmentation (Local market or International)

    • If your market is B2C: Geographical segmentation (Local or International), high income group or middle class, niche market or mass product


  • Pricing strategy: What price will you charge from your early adopters?

    • B2B: What will be your pricing structure? 

      • Tier Subscription Pricing: Different pricing tiers based on level of functions, usage and services provided? Monthly subscription or annual?

      • Custom Pricing: Custom pricing for large enterprises based on their unique requirements

    • B2C: What will be your pricing strategy?

      • Freemium model/Trial Usage: Offer free product usage for some time and convert them to a paid user

      • Discounts: Offer some discounts on the product to allow users to start using the product

      • Have you integrated the payment gateway?

  • Distribution: How are you going to sell your product to the users?

    • B2B: Are you going to sell your product from your website?

      • Is your landing page ready?

      • Will it be a direct purchase from the website or the users need to contact the sales team?

    • B2C: How are you going to sell your product?

      • D2C: Selling directly from your website

        • Is User flow properly tested?

        • Is the Product title and description properly done?

        • How will you cross sell and upsell your product?

        • Payment integrations are done?

        • Who will be the delivery partner?

    • Marketplaces: Selling through various marketplaces like Amazon, Flipkart or other quick commerce channels

    • Instagram, META marketplace

  • Marketing strategy: How are you going to communicate about your unique prop to acquire new customers?

    • SEO: Identify the keywords that will help to rank your product on top and channelise organic sale

    • Content Based Marketing: Define a week-on-week content plan consisting of planning regarding whom to target, use of hashtags, content distribution channels, type of content, CTA etc. 

      • Posts on LinkedIn, Instagram and other platforms: Write content that effectively deliver the value proposition of your product

      • Video content on various social media platforms

      • Blogs and Newsletter based marketing

      • Email Marketing: Identify any tools you will need for mass emailing? Define email template and a follow-up email template.

    • Ads: What is the objective of running ads? Creating awareness or customer acquisition?

      • Platforms: Which platforms will you use to run ads?

      • Product: What products will you be advertising? And why?

      • Budget: Have you allocated a budget for running these ads? 

    • Demo Video: Is your demo video ready which effectively communicates the value of your product and how to use the platform?

  • Sales process and strategy: What is your process from lead generation to lead qualification to conversion?

    • How will you manage sales leads and track and manage the sales funnel? Any CRM tools you will leverage? 

    • Develop an efficient strategy to convert qualified leads into paying customers

      • For B2B, do you have a sales contract template to enter with customers? 

      • For B2B, have you signed the Information security agreement? 

      • For B2C, talk regularly with your early adopters to understand their requirements.

  • Retention Strategy: What will be your strategy to retain customers?

    • For B2B, assign a dedicated account manager, support team, keeping regular check-ins etc

    • For B2C, provide responsive customer support, offer some loyalty programs, special offers/discounts etc.

  • Metrics and Analytics: Define your KPIs and track them on regular basis

    • Create a dashboard to analyse all important metrics weekly. These metrics can be CAC, conversion rate, revenue growth etc.

    • Analyse the marketing campaigns from various platforms and identify patterns and trends to optimize

    • Use insights from data to iterate on your GTM strategy 

  • Hiring/Team: Does the founding team need people for the GTM stage?

    • Do you need full-time employees or interns?

    • For what tasks people are required? Founders Office,Digital marketing, Content creation, B2B sales?

    • Allocate tasks efficiently to optimize productivity and deadlines

 Team/Organisation Checklist for GTM Stage:

  • One Founder dedicatedly focuses on developing GTM strategy, talking to customers and selling the product

  • Budget planning to hire founders office and marketing team/interns

  • 1-2 sales professionals or digital marketing experts can be hired or on contractual basis 

Download the GTM Checklist and Organisation Checklist for GTM stage 

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