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Powering differentiated AI based technology from India

ACE - a fully-funded 6 month accelerator  program for idea-stage entrepreneurs

Evaluating applications on rolling basis

AI Leadership by our founders

10+ AI papers
in KDD, ACL, Ubicomp, IUI and AAAI

15+ Patents
filed for AI based Products

Ecosystem efforts including: and

We have AI expertise to solve hard problems systematically
Building AI-led products since 2012 in:


AI-based Social Skill Understanding


Natural Language

Essay/Email feedback & generative AI interviewing



Applying AI to programs since 2013



Spoken English Evaluation

We know how to deliver sustainable customer value using AI

About ACE

Engaging High touch program

Work with the founders and mentors for 6 months in a co-located office space from idea discovery to pilot, and scale

Funding at idea-stage

Receive a fellowship of ₹6 Lakhs ( ₹1 lakh/month) upto ₹20 Lakhs based on progress. Additionally, over ₹10 Lakhs worth of perks, including office space, HR/Finance support, AWS credits, and more.

Leverage strong connections

Work & get support from seasoned entrepreneurs, domain experts and mentors for problem solving & execution. You are never alone in this journey!

Organisations built and supported by our founders:


An SHL company; a global job skills credentialing leader set up with a vision to create a merit driven talent ecosystem and enable efficient job skills matching by crafting credible and intelligent assessments.

CallPrep is an automated sales tool that conducts client research, generates prep notes, and delivers them to sales representatives through preferred channels like Slack, email, or calendar invites. 


Bigbuddy uses artificial intelligence to edit videos for content creators. It aims to convert your videos to  studio level videos in 5 minutes at a click of a button.

Meet the Founders

Shailendra Jha

Product leaders with 16 years of experience of scaling consumer products at startups like MakeMyTrip, MaxLife, MagicBricks and more. Currently he is the co-founder at change engine and teaches product management at BIMTECH & Accredian as a visiting faculty

Varun Aggarwal

 Co-founder of Aspiring Minds - India’s largest test assessment company with $100M exit. Built AMCAT, biggest D2C brand in higher Education. Authored Futurepreneurs on deeptech startups in India. Built pioneering AI products used by Fortune 500 companies in the US, India and China. Has 1100+ research citations.

Shubham Bansal

An IIT Delhi and Y-combinator alumni. He has worked as a data scientist for a couple of years after which he co-founded Leap Club - a y-combinator backed startup focused on bringing fresh groceries from farm to your doorstep. Currently he is leading ACE - Impact


ACE Process

We run a 6 month accelerator program in Delhi NCR. During this time we work intensively with founders on deeply understanding the problem, innovating on solutions, launching pilot & preparing them for fundraising. In short, we become your co-founding team for the 6 months.

Support strong founding team

Build an MVP that 

intervenes at high leverage points

Define a go-to-market strategy

Identify a big problem & user persona

Iterate to reach product market fit

Build a scale up & fundraising strategy 

 What we offer?


Unrestricted seed capital of upto Rs 20 lakhs


120+ hours of 1:1 mentoring from experienced founders & product leaders


Connection with domain experts, product leaders and change makers


Support with recruiting, finance, legal so that you can focus on impact

ACE Timeline

Invitation for applications

Start Date: 1st September


Idea Brainstorming Sessions with mentors & founders

Start Date: January 2024


Cohort Starts

Start Date: June 2024


Online startup bootcamp & 1x1 nurturing sessions with founders

Start Date: 1st October


One week in-house program & offer

Start Date: February 2024

Who should apply?

  • Have a bent towards using technology for scalable change
  • Can move to Delhi NCR for the duration of the program
  • People who have worked in product based companies and want to build in AI
  • Anyone keen to build products from 0 to 1
  • What are the criteria for selection?
    Smart & determined final year students or fresh graduates (0-2 years of experience) Passionate about solving big problems & building products. Strong demonstrable entrepreneurial qualities. Living or willing to move to Delhi-NCR for their startup journey.
  • I am a first/second year student. Can I apply?
    This is an on-site program, so you have to attend the program in person. If your college allows you to do that- then you can.
  • I'm not a student. I passed out recently or dropped out of college. Can I still apply for it?
  • I'm currently not staying in Delhi. Can I still apply?
    Yes. Our program is an on-site program, so you need to be in Delhi-NCR for the program. Also, all entrepreneurs in ACE need to build and locate the headquarters of their company in NCR.
  • I don't currently have a running business but just an idea. Can I apply?
  • Do I need to register as an organization before applying?
  • Can I apply twice - with two different ideas?
    No. We will only accept one application from one individual. We are investing in people, not idea at this stage.
  • What about my intellectual property? How do I make sure that my idea will not be stolen?
    Ideas are cheap and free. Any IP you create remains exclusively your possession.
  • How do I use the 6L rupees?
    You will be provided a 1L per month fellowship amount. We strongly recommend that 60-70% of this amount is used as investment in your idea/company, while the rest is used as personal stipend. In case, your idea makes fast progress, you could get advance payment of full or part of your fellowship amount, on approval of the investment committee.
  • What other benefits will I get apart from the fellowship amount?
    All selected founders will be provided with mentorship from various domain experts, office space, legal and accounting support, tech and digital marketing support, co hort based learning opportunity and much more.
  • We are a team of 3 students. Will all of us get the fellowship amount or is it for a team?
    Fellowship amount for a team/individuals will remain same, a total of 6L that is 1L per month. We ideally encourage teams of two people. The whole team can join the fellowship program.
  • How do I fund my startup beyond 6L?
    ACE has a larger corpus of money to invest in ideas based on their progress. ACE will invest money during the program at 0.33% for every 1L. We may invest up to 15L more at this valuation. ACE and its network may invest further, based on market valuations.
  • Will selected founders be provided with accommodation facility during the program?
    ACE program will offer only office facility and not accommodation facility.
  • Do I get help with registering company, shareholder agreement writing, term sheets or other legal/company help?
    Yes, we will have empaneled experts for these at highly discounted prices.
  • When will the program start?
    June - 2023
  • Can I participate in ACE program and simultaneously work in my full time job?
    No, our program is an on-site program, so you need to be in Delhi-NCR for the program. Also, all entrepreneurs in ACE need to build and locate the headquarters of their company in NCR.
  • Do I have to be at the ACE office location for the entire period of 6 months?
    Yes. Plus the office space will be available up to 5 members (inc you) during the period of fellowship and three months after that.
  • What is a typical day like for the ACErs during the 6 month period?
    You will be having detailed mentoring sessions every few days in the week and you will get to apply those concepts learnt into your startups.
  • Can I get assistance from another accelerator while I'm a part of the ACE program?
    Since, ACE is a full-time onsite program, getting into another parallel program is not feasible.
  • Can I look for a co-founder while I'm in the program? Will he/she also get the same fellowship?
    Yes, you can look for a co-founder within the cohort or outside. The person can work in ACE office, once s/he is a part of the team. The fellowship amount is only for you.
  • What if my startup idea is going nowhere?
    In such case, one option is that the duration of the program be elongated by 3 months. The total fellowship amount will remain 6L and not be increased. The other option is the candidates decides to quit the program. One of the two options will be decided mutually between ACE and entrepreneur.
  • What if I quit in between because of external reasons?
    ACE considers quitting the program in between for financial upside/job as breach of trust and unexpected situation. If the fellow quits in between the program due to external reasons, say, such as taking a job, the candidate must return 70% of the fellowship amount provided to him/her.
  • What happens at the end of the program?
    At the end, we introduce you to external investors and you raise a round and set off to your journey.
  • Will we be connected to some angel investors at the end of the program?
  • Will the incubates be offered guidance even after the program?
    Yes, there will be monthly cohort interactions for the next one year and then quarterly. We will create WhatsApp groups for quick conversations within the cohort.
  • What if I do a startup after the end of the program or after quitting it?
    You are free to do a startup without involvement of ACE after completing the program or quitting it. However, if the idea is the one actively discussed/developed at ACE program, by you or another cohort member, it is a joint IP with ACE. We will claim up to 10% of your company for using the IP co-developed by us.
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